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Dental care

What are Veneers?

Veneers are a fast way to get a beautiful smile, and they are ideal for people who have stained, chipped, or gapped teeth. However, veneers are a long-term solution, and having them placed is a huge decision. It is critical to know the appropriate information regarding veneers, their cost, and how to care for them before you and your dentist decide the operation is suitable for you.

Dental veneers are delicate, tooth-colored shells that cover the front surfaces of teeth to enhance their appearance. They are usually composed of porcelain or resin composite materials and are glued to your teeth permanently. When a tooth is cracked or chipped, some people only need one veneer, but most people need six to eight veneers to achieve an equal, symmetrical smile.

Why are Dental Veneers Used?

Veneers are a less noticeable alternative to crowns or braces. They can be used to fill in gaps and rectify minor alignment issues. Patients may also pick veneers as a cosmetic option to brighten their teeth and straighten their smile, repairing concerns such as discoloration, fractures, or chipping. They help in improving the smile as a beautiful smile makes you feel good and can boost your confidence and well-being.

Difference between composite and porcelain veneer

Composites may usually be fabricated while you wait, allowing for same-day treatment. Instead of being molded and sculpted in an offsite facility, they are shaped and sculpted on your teeth. Reversibility is another advantage of composite veneers. At the same time, Porcelain veneers are the best option for fixing shape and color concerns. In this process, reshaping of teeth is required.

Benefits of Dental Veneers:

The most significant advantage of veneers is that they improve the appearance of your teeth, resulting in a brighter and more even smile. Veneers are frequently used to address the following cosmetic issues:

  • Small teeth
  • Teeth with gaps
  • Differently shaped teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Unevenly colored or discolored teeth that can’t be treated by whitening

Precautions to follow after dental veneers

  • Brush and floss your teeth after dental veneers the same way you would your regular teeth. 
  • Limit your intake of coffee and other stain-causing foods.
  • Keep in mind that no matter how properly you care for your veneers, they will need to be changed at some point.
  • Biting your fingernails and chewing on harsh items like pencils or ice should be avoided.
  • If your bite doesn’t seem correct after the veneer has been fitted, consult your dentist.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene will help them last long
  • Cavities can still form beneath or around veneers. 

If you’re thinking about getting veneers, talk to your dentist and make sure you understand the entire procedure and cost. Veneers have a lifespan of 7 to 15 years. The veneers would need to be replaced after this period.

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Dental care

Why Get Your Wisdom Teeth Out?

We can define wisdom teeth as the third and last set of molars that usually erupt during our late adolescent, teenage, or early twenties. In contrast to their inflated name, wisdom teeth do not relate to anything wise. They are useless appendages emerging from the gums, most of the time. In some exceptional cases, when wisdom teeth are immaculately aligned, they can foster a healthy and brighter smile, facilitate a good, and enhance the overall oral health of a person. But, unsurprisingly, we can see that a wisdom tooth acts as a hindrance due to its awkward position in the mouth. More often than not, wisdom teeth grow horizontally, have harsh angles, and potentially harm the surrounding premolars and molars. It is in such haphazard contexts that extracting the wisdom teeth becomes viable. If you are interested in grasping more about wisdom teeth and why to remove them, read ahead. 

Should I keep my wisdom teeth?

Experts suggest that wisdom teeth are not evil on their own. They can peacefully reside inside our mouth and cater to several crucial functions, as well. The biggest problem associated with wisdom teeth is the buildup of bacteria and plaque around them, which leads to gum and bone diseases, tooth decay and increases a person’s susceptibility to heart problems. So, the most crucial aspect is to keep the wisdom teeth clean and free of bacteria accumulation. Such cleanliness is only possible if the position of the teeth is optimal. A wisdom tooth does not require removal if its status is appropriate and proper cleaning is possible. 

Why is it essential to extract wisdom teeth?

In certain situations, it becomes mandatory to extract our wisdom teeth, and some of them are:

  • When the wisdom teeth are entirely hidden inside the gums, they cannot erupt normally and are trapped inside our jaw. Such a fraught position can lead to cysts and damage the surrounding teeth and bone structure.
  • At times, we can observe that a wisdom tooth erupts partially through the gums and sits in a very unhandy position in the mouth. Such inconvenient locations can make it hard for the person to clean the lead, resulting in bacteria accumulation. Moreover, if wisdom teeth do not have enough space for emerging out properly, they may crowd or damage the nearby teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth are also removed when a person experiences chronic toothache, reiterating infections in the soft tissue behind the lower last tooth, the occurrence of cysts, and so on.
  • Suppose a person suffers from gum disease, inflammation, bad breath, or extensive tooth decay and has a misaligned and crooked wisdom tooth. In that case, there is a solemn chance that the wisdom tooth is responsible for such dental problems. 

Dentists suggest that the best time to remove a wisdom tooth is adolescent or early teenage years before it has fully emerged. In case you are perplexed about whether to keep or extract the wisdom teeth, seek professional advice. A dentist is the only person who can prescribe the viability of keeping or removing wisdom teeth. 

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Dental care

Is DIY toothpaste safe?

The DIY movement has percolated deep into the world of dental care. From at-home teeth whitening techniques to refreshing mouthwashes, the trend has taken the entire domain of oral hygiene by storm. A relatively recent but overwhelming fad has been the usage of DIY toothpaste. Some devotees of the DIY tangent use home-made toothpaste because it is sustainable and environmentally friendly. On the contrary, others enjoy the ‘au natural and believe in the supremacy of organic products.

Nonetheless, unlike other essentials, toothpaste is an indispensable component of overall health and well-being. It is imperative to grasp the nitty-gritty of home-made oral care products and see if they are worth indulging. So, let us try and answer the looming question – whether DIY toothpaste is safe or not.

A Crisp Overview of DIY Toothpaste

Long before the advent of commercial and factory-produced toothpaste, people formulated their teeth-cleansing products. The contemporary trend of DIY toothpaste is attempting to go back to the past and bring in the archaic techniques that are pristine, natural, and harmless. At-home toothpaste can be either powder or paste, and the popular ingredients that are added include coconut oil, baking soda, sea salt, essential oils, activated charcoal, and so on. Some people prefer to add sweeteners like stevia and xylitol to their DIY toothpaste. The primary benefits of using DIY toothpaste are:

  • The absence of harmful ingredients
  • Low cost
  • Environment-friendly due to lack of plastic packaging
  • You can control the elements that you want in your toothpaste
  • The flavor, texture, and grittiness of the paste can be customized  

Is it Safe to Use DIY Toothpaste?

A 2017 study revealed that DIY toothpaste could be reasonably effective in removing dental plaque. The toothpaste concerned was a concoction of coconut oil, baking soda, and stevia. But, despite few advantages of DIY toothpaste, they suffer from a lack that cannot be overlooked – the absence of fluoride. Commercial toothpaste tubes with an ADA seal comprise the optimum amount of fluoride, an essential mineral for strengthening tooth enamel and fighting tooth decay. Furthermore, specific types of toothpaste have active ingredients that cater to particular problems like teeth staining, sensitivity, bad breath, and the like. It is improbable that a home-made formula will extend all the benefits of packaged and polished toothpaste found in the store. 

In addition to the absence of fluoride and active ingredients, DIY toothpaste can, in fact, harm the teeth if caution is not exercised. Several substances like lemon juice, tomato juice, essential oils, and excessive hydrogen peroxide can deteriorate the teeth and gums. Ignorance can be lethal, and it is unkind to expect a layperson to have all the knowledge about dental care and what is good for their teeth and gums. So, hopping on to the DIY toothpaste bandwagon is genuinely unwise.

If you are keen on natural options, look for commercial toothpaste containing mint extracts, baking soda, salt, and other similar ingredients. 

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Dental care

Why Your Gums Are Important and How to Keep Them Healthy

In popular perception, the primary targets of dental care and oral hygiene are the teeth. More often than not, the health of gums is fortuitously relegated. Although the prevalence of gum diseases has considerably reduced in the past few years, it still affects 1 in 10 American adults by the time they reach 64. It is noteworthy to mention that a clean, cavity-free, and shiny set of teeth does not ensure that your gums are equally hale and well. As problems associated with the gums are painless and virtually invisible, people have no clue about what is wrong.

Importance of Gums Health

Being unmindful of the gums can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and cause plaque formation along the gum line. And what is plaque, you may ask? Well. It is a slimy and thin layer of substances filled with bacteria and fungi. Dental plaque can galvanize numerous gum diseases like tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Although they seem isolated, these two diseases can impact other body parts and cause serious health problems like heart diseases and so on. 

Studies show that gum health influences our overall health. Some of the ancillary challenges that gum diseases may trigger are:

  • Gum issues like gingivitis and periodontitis can culminate in tooth loss, and it may become difficult for a person to munch on and consume food properly. As such, gum diseases may adversely impact a person’s nutritional health. 
  • Research reveals that moderate to severe gum diseases can increase inflammation levels throughout the entire human body. As heart disease is also an inflammatory disease, its risk of a stroke multiplies when someone is suffering from severe gum problems like periodontitis. 
  • There are various research papers that indicate that gum health is related to lung health for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Periodontal or gum diseases can also enhance the risk of respiratory infections like pneumonia. There is the possibility of the bacteria in the mouth being inhaled and reaching the breathing tract.
  • In addition to all the tangible physical detriments, gum diseases can shatter a person’s confidence and emotional health. Despite being a very superficial take, a beautiful smile and appealing teeth can increase the self-esteem of a person and vice-versa. A study revealed that 86 percent of the people who had lost a tooth considered social embarrassment their greatest challenge. 

Ways to Take Care of the Gums

Taking care of the gums is not rocket science. Consistently following some essential dental care tips are enough to keep our periodontal health in check. The most important part is to brush the teeth twice a day and follow this step with dental flossing. A good quality mouthwash can also be highly advantageous when caring for the gums and overall oral health. Abstinence from smoking and avoiding the consumption of sugary foods and drinks are extra steps that a person can take to take immaculate care of their gums and teeth. 

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Dental care

How to Choose Toothpaste

An immense variety of oral care products have bombarded the shelves of supermarkets in recent times. From brushes to mouthwashes to toothpaste tubes, eye-catching and trendy packages are stacked in stores for us to buy. But do you face specific dilemmas and confusion while purchasing toothpaste? If the answer is yes, worry not. We have curated a list of tips and tricks that will help you select the appropriate toothpaste compatible with your teeth and gums.

Top 5 Tips for purchasing the right toothpaste

Tubes of toothpaste available in the market make gigantic claims. Some claim to whiten teeth; some claim to deal with dental problems like gingivitis, plaque, and so forth. The abundance of choices can make a decision-making touch. But, easy tricks will enable you to make quick and suitable choices on what the right toothpaste tube is for you.

  1. For best all-around protection, make sure that your toothpaste has at least 1000 parts per million fluorides. The American Dental Association recommends this delicate balance. Toothpaste must touch this fluoride concentration to tackle bacteria accumulation and strengthen enamel.
  2. If whitening is your primary goal, look for toothpaste containing activated charcoal, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide. Whitening toothpaste, indeed, works, and you will be able to see visible results in a short period. The grittiness of whitening toothpaste tubes helps in removing extrinsic teeth stains. Hydrogen peroxide – a type of bleach – if incorporated as a toothpaste ingredient, can give your teeth a luminous glow within a few weeks. But, it is imperative to remember that you should not use whitening toothpaste for extensive amounts of time as it can gradually wear down the enamel and lead to sensitivity.
  3. If you have a sensitive mouth, and you frequently suffer from mouth ulcers, cheilitis, and canker, make sure to scour through the labels of toothpaste tubes and avoid those with SLS. 
  4. A massive chunk of the population suffers from tooth sensitivity. In such a context, it is advisable to buy toothpaste with potassium nitrate to help ease the pain. It is critical to remember that if you have extremely sensitive teeth, avoiding hot and cold foods like tea or ice cream is helpful. 
  5. A negligent oral care regimen can lead to bacteria accumulation, resulting in plaque. When plaque hardens, it forms tartar. It would help if you immediately visited the dentists when you see tartar. Nonetheless, tartar controlling toothpaste can also help you in dealing with the problem. Look for ingredients such as pyrophosphates and zinc nitrates.

Toothpaste can help in tackling specific dental issues. But, if you are looking for a standard toothpaste tube that keeps your teeth and gums healthy, choose one with an ADA-approved seal. Toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association has the optimal fluoride concentration, and the Relative Dentin Abrasivity is at the appropriate level. In addition to using the right toothbrush, it is essential to floss regularly and rinse the mouth with a good mouthwash in the end.

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Dental care

Anxiety disorders and your oral health

We all deal with occasional anxiety in our lives. It is absolutely normal to feel anxious in certain gritty situations like an examination, job interview, or before trying a new haircut. But, beyond such normalcy lies a realm of anxiety disorders that can physically and mentally cripple people. Anxiety that is persistent, uncontrollable, and overbearing can disrupt a person’s daily activities, even the most mundane ones. Studies reveal that anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric illnesses among children and adults, and approximately 40 million American adults suffer from the condition. Unfortunately, one-third of the people who suffer from an anxiety disorder receive treatment. Although anxiety disorder treatment is relatively standard and accessible, lack of awareness about the issue itself and the associated stigma are the significant reasons that it remains untreated among 70 percent of those suffering from it.

Methods to take care of dental health while suffering from anxiety disorders

A person suffering from an anxiety disorder such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, or social anxiety disorder may find it challenging to maintain a healthy oral care regimen. Furthermore, some people may also experience physical discomforts due to anxiety issues which can manifest as:

  • Canker sores
  •  Dry mouth
  • Lichen planus, which are lacy white lines, red areas or ulcers in the mouth
  • Burning mouth syndrome
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (Popularly called TMJ)
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding
  • Susceptibility to dental cavities and gum diseases may also increase when a person is suffering from an anxiety disorder

Anxiety medication can severely impact oral health by reducing saliva production and causing dry mouth. Other side-effects of anxiety medications that adversely affect dental health include regular puking that can lead to enamel erosion, gum bleeding, and anemia. 

Increased collaboration between dental practitioners and mental health experts can phenomenally help patients suffering from anxiety disorders skillfully deal with oral problems. Moreover, psychiatrists and mental health experts should be mindful of inappropriate diet and medications’ oral and dental consequences. 

A healthy lifestyle and forging a dental care regimen is the key in dealing with oral issues. Brushing the last thing at night and once in the morning with a good toothpaste tube is crucial to keep teeth clean. Brushing should always be followed by dental flossing to remove the tiny food particles. Lastly, it would help if you topped everything off with an excellent rinse. It is crucial to visit the dentist once every three months. If visiting the dentist is a source of anxiety, try to go when the rush is minimal or contact the dentist to make special provisions. 

The health detriments of alcohol and tobacco are heightened when a person is suffering from an anxiety disorder. As such, the caretakers and well-wishers of those dealing with mental issues must be supportive and aware. The critical part is motivating the person suffering from anxiety to maintain a daily dental regimen and feel more comfortable accessing dental care. 

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Dental care

Crown Lengthening Might be Necessary for Seniors with Tooth Decay

Crowns are tooth-shaped coverings that are cemented over natural teeth for beauty or structural reasons. When a tooth is cracked, fractured, or malformed, your dentist may prescribe a crown. A crown is frequently used to finish dental treatments like bridges, root canals, and dental implants. Crowns must be able to adhere to an existing tooth securely.

What is Crown Lengthening?

Gum tissue or bone is removed to expose more of a tooth during dental crown lengthening, which is usually done to restore it. The dentist will need to do a crown lengthening before fixing a tooth that has been cracked at the gum line due to tooth decay or an accident. It’s a common treatment that usually takes less than an hour.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Before making microscopic incisions to remove the gums from the teeth and cut off the excess gum, the dentist will numb the region. Excess gum tissue can sometimes be shaved away to reveal the crown. However, if the crown is covered in excess soft tissue and bone, a tiny portion of the bone may be removed as well.

Why is crown lengthening the best treatment for senior citizens?

While tooth decay can occur at any age, the chance of developing it increases as you get older. Senior citizens are more vulnerable to tooth decay, making it more difficult to treat tooth decay among them. Cavities can form at or below the gum line, generally as a result of gum recession. Because the gum tissue is in the way, the dentist won’t be able to fill the cavity usually. Your dentist may need to perform a little surgical operation called crown lengthening to make it possible to treat.

The technique helps expose more of the crown, the visible area of the tooth, from the surrounding gum tissue. The patient will need to limit their diet to soft foods for a few days after surgery, avoid intense activity, and apply an ice pack to help minimize swelling after the day of operation. To limit the risk of infection, they will also prescribe pain medication and potentially an antibiotic. Hence for senior citizens, it is the best treatment.

Purpose of the procedure

If enough of the tooth is not left to hold the crown on its own, crown lengthening may be required. A crown may not be able to connect to a tooth if it is damaged or decayed firmly. Crown lengthening involves removing gum tissue and shaving away bone as needed to expose more of the tooth above the gum line. Better oral hygiene and comfort are both possible with a properly fitting crown. Some patients seek crown lengthening to correct a “gummy smile,” which occurs when the gums protrude above the teeth when smiling.

How recovery happens post-treatment?

This operation takes around three months to recover. However, once your gums heal, you’ll be able to resume typical activities. For the first two to three days, you should avoid intense workouts. A physically demanding profession, hard lifting, or excessive activity may stifle your healing and increase bleeding.

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Dental care

How to deal with Dental Emergencies While Traveling?

Traveling abroad, whether on business or for leisure, can be a thrilling experience. However, an unexpected toothache, a lost crown, or an accident that knocks out your teeth is never part of the perfect holiday. Unfortunately, emergency dental treatment might be challenging to treat when you’re not at home. So, knowing how to treat a dental emergency while traveling is crucial because an emergency dentist may not be available at your destination.

It is a possibility that a mouth problem isn’t a severe dental emergency. The emergency arises when a tooth is entirely broken, considerably loosened, or shifted out of alignment due to an accident. A fractured or cracked tooth usually means the tooth has been severely damaged and can be termed a dental emergency. It can also include tissue injuries in or around the mouth.

If you experience a dental emergency while traveling, you need to consider the following suggestions.

  • Fallen Out Crown or filling

If your Crown comes loose, lay it back over the tooth and secure it using temporary toothpaste, or denture glue. Put over-the-counter dental adhesive in the cavity if a filling falls out. As an alternative, chewing sugar-free gum can be used. If you can’t get immediate dental help wherever you are, call your dentist right away when you get home.

  • Broken or Cracked Teeth

You should seek emergency dental care if your tooth breaks, cracks, or crumbles. A knocked-out tooth can be rinsed with water, but it should never be scrubbed or cleaned and the Crown should only hold it. Instead, try to gather all fragments of the impacted tooth in the meantime. If an emergency dentist is unavailable, go to a hospital emergency department. To provide yourself the best chance of saving the tooth, try getting medical care within an hour after the accident. While you wait for aid, a cool compress might help reduce swelling.

Try to place the teeth back into their socket if possible, and keep it in your mouth until you can get help. If you can’t, put it in milk and take it to the emergency dentist with you.

  • Damage in Dentures

When it comes to dental emergencies when traveling, natural teeth aren’t always involved. Never try to fix your dentures yourself if they break or don’t fit properly. Instead, look for a dentist in the region who can make slight modifications or repairs. When you arrive home, schedule an arrangement with your dentist.

  • Emergencies with Toothaches

Rinse the mouth with warm water if you get a toothache. If there is food or debris stuck between your teeth, use dental floss or brush your teeth to clean them. If cleaning your tooth doesn’t relieve the pain, call an emergency dentist in your area or book an appointment with your regular dentist when you get home. Reduce pain with over-the-counter pain medications if necessary.

CAUTION: Never put aspirin near your teeth since it can cause gum tissue to burn.

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Dental care

Does orange peel whiten teeth?

The American Dental Association (ADA) defines teeth whitening as “any process that will make the teeth whiter.” The desirability of a dazzling set of teeth is at an all-time high because of media and popular representation. The air of flawlessness associated with celebrities and influencers impacts the layman’s understanding of beauty in covert and overt ways. It is a ubiquitous phenomenon to yearn for bright, immaculately white teeth that are perfectly aligned. But, unfortunately, such perfection comes with a jaw-dropping cost. Teeth whitening products and professional interventions can burn a hole in the pocket. So, it is logical to resort to at-home methods of teeth whitening. An ingredient that has taken the ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ dental realm by storm is orange. Although a significant chunk of teeth whitening DIYs does not have any scientific backing, orange peels are somewhat different. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the natural solvents found in orange peels may reduce teeth stains. 

The whitening properties of orange peel

Citrus rinds, including oranges, comprise d-limonene, which is a natural scent and solvent. The ingredient is used in several manufactured dental products like tubes of toothpaste and tooth whiteners. Official studies have found that d-limonene, indeed, whitens teeth by removing extrinsic stains. In addition, smoking stains are majorly reduced by the d-limonene, and it also helps prevent further smoking-related discoloration of the teeth. But, the efficacy of orange peels is extremely limited. A 2010 study illustrated that the compound present in citrus rinds – d-limonene – cannot reduce extrinsic teeth stains caused by drinking tea. Furthermore, the solvent shows no result in decreasing long-standing teeth stains. 

The effectiveness of orange peels is very erratic. It may work for some and not work for the rest. Even if the product does work for you, it takes a tedious amount of time for results to be visible, and the consequent change in teeth color will be faint and minimal. Nonetheless, orange peel is a milder at-home teeth whitening product compared to others like lemon juice which is notorious for its enamel-eroding potential. 

If you have decided to include orange peels in your dental regimen, it is imperative to exercise caution. The citric acid in orange juice, like lemon juice, has enamel-eroding properties. Therefore, it is advisable to be very careful while rubbing or applying orange peels directly to the teeth. You can do more harm than good by exposing your teeth to the harsh acids of orange juice. Despite its relative mildness, regular orange peels can wear down the enamel and reduce enamel surface firmness. Experts say that the appropriate way of including orange peel is to supplement the application process by washing the teeth in a mixture of half hydrogen peroxide and half water. The rinse helps in tackling the crudeness of the orange peel. 

If you are determined to include natural ingredients in your daily oral hygiene routine, baking soda is one product that even professionals swear by.

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Dental care

Deciding Between a Root Canal and Removing Your Tooth

Tooth problems are really painful and are among one of those common issues that no one can deny. Meanwhile, tooth decay is a frequent dental issue that is usually caused by infections and poor oral hygiene. Because every tooth has a soft cavity in the center, it is susceptible to infection. The severe pain when you touch that sore tooth with your tongue or food, the deep discomfort in the mouth, and the trouble chewing are some of the severe inconveniences faced during dental infections. This not only causes pain and suffering, but it can also harm one’s beauty and smile.

It is really painful when the pain comes from a dead tooth or an infection deep in the gums and roots of a tooth. The fix for the dental problem may not be pleasant, and it may take some time to get everything in order. If an infected tooth is one of your wisdom teeth, extractions are usually recommended, while root canals are often suggested for the other teeth. When a tooth is severely decayed and infected, you must choose between a root canal and an extraction. Either method can help you get rid of the illness and any pain due to tooth decay or infection.

What is the Root Canal?

The process begins with an X-ray examination of the patient’s mouth. This aids in determining the severity of the infection as well as the number of infected teeth. The problematic tooth and the neighboring teeth are then covered with a piece of rubber or vinyl. To expose the tooth to be treated, a hole is created in the rubber or vinyl covering. This is done to keep the illness from spreading to other parts of the body.

 A hole is then drilled in the afflicted tooth to reach the diseased pulp beneath the enamel. With the use of sophisticated instruments, your dentist will remove the pulp as well as any dead tissues. To protect the area, the dentist will clean it and apply antiseptic and antibacterial remedies. Root canal fillings are then used to treat the canal walls and the hole (a thermoplastic material).

Root canal therapy can be a painful experience. In fact, many people find it more excruciating than an extraction, but topical anesthesia can help alleviate the pain.

What is tooth extraction?

You’ll be anesthetized throughout the tooth extraction procedure, and the dentist will use a special tool to extract the infected tooth. The anesthesia numbs the damaged area, so you don’t feel any pain when the tooth is being pulled and pried. Although, after the anesthetic wears off, you may experience pain.

Which treatment is better?

For the majority of people, a root canal is the better alternative. A root canal has a higher success rate than a tooth extraction because the technique has few to no long-term consequences. However, in some circumstances, tooth extraction is the only solution. Both treatments have their own pros and cons, so your decision will be based on your general oral history and technique choice.

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Dental care

Can Nutrition Help Improving Your Dental Health ?

Despite ignoring this frequently, it is a proven fact that dental health is fundamental for our overall well-being. The deterioration of our teeth and gums can majorly impact several other parts of our body, such as the heart and brain. Nonetheless, even without such manifestations, it is imperative to take immaculate care of our oral health as without teeth, we will not be able to chew, and without gums, our teeth won’t be in place. In addition to the usual teeth brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, nutrition has a critical role in improving our dental health. A child’s diet determines the development of his teeth, and for an adult, his diet influences his overall oral health. 

Food items that help improving and maintaining oral health

Consuming healthy and nutrient rich foods that include substantial and optimal portions of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, etc., is vital in promoting healthy teeth and gums. 

  • Foods rich in calcium such as low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, curd, cheese, tofu, soymilk, etc., allow teeth and bones to become stronger. Other sources of calcium that you can depend on include salmon, almonds, and dark leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin C fosters healthy gums. Hence, you must consume an appropriate amount of vitamin C, which is plenty in citrus fruits like tomatoes, lemons, peppers, broccoli, and so on.
  • Phosphorus is a mineral common in eggs, fish, lean meat, dairy products, nuts, and beans, and it is good to keep teeth robust.
  • Adults know what they ought to do to take care of their dental health and overall well-being. Most of the time, it is carelessness and negligence that creates bumps in the road to a healthier and more nutritious lifestyle. But, the scenario is entirely different for children and babies. If you are taking care of a toddler or a young child, try and avoid putting a bottle in their mouth while they are asleep. Sucking on the bottle drowns the teeth and gums in liquid can largely contribute to tooth decay. 
  • Smart snacking is a tactic that satiates those taste buds, all while keeping your teeth and gums healthy and happy. On the other hand, reckless snacking that goes on throughout the day increases accumulation in the mouth, thereby facilitating acid attacks on the teeth. The intelligent choice is to plan your snacks, just like you plan your meals and resist the urge to eat snacks too frequently. Moreover, rather than opting for sugary packaged products as snacks, munching on fruits and nuts is the viable path.  

A balanced diet is required to keep our teeth, gums, and body hale and hearty. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber are essential elements to fight off diseases. Furthermore, for top-notch oral health, a precise regimen is of paramount importance. Thorough brushing twice a day, along with dental flossing and using a good quality mouthwash, are mandatory steps that everyone must follow. In addition, you must regularly visit a dentist to keep serious dental problems at bay. 

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