Azle Dentist

Dental care

How to take care of teeth while pregnant?

During pregnancy, you will experience a variety of changes that you probably did not anticipate. Maybe you’re experiencing brain fog, itching stomach, random hair growing where there weren’t any, and who knew the pregnancy could alter your teeth? 

It is common for the mouth to undergo some changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy “tumors,” gum disease, and increased tooth decay are relatively common side effects of pregnancy, so maintaining a diligent dental hygiene regimen should be considered an important part of prenatal wellness.

Pregnancy and dental issues

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Inflammation and irritation of the gingiva are common symptoms of gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. Gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, which can cause tooth loss.


A cavity develops when the protective coating on the tooth erodes and develops into a hole. The cavity itself and the repair process can be difficult, especially if you’ve ever had one. There are a few reasons why pregnancy puts you at greater risk of cavities. As the ADA explains, eating habits may change when people are famished due to cravings, vomiting, dry mouth, or poor oral hygiene. Some of these can cause dental cavities.

Pregnancy Tumors

While pregnancy tumors might sound ominous, they aren’t cancerous. During the second trimester, pregnancy tumors appear on the gums and usually transform into overgrown tissues. This type of swelling occurs most frequently between teeth and is not cancer. Growths like these may be caused by plaque accumulation and bleed easily. Red bumps that resemble raspberries should disappear after the birth of your baby.

How to prevent oral problems during pregnancy?

Prior to and during pregnancy, you should have a dental checkup. When you see your dentist:

  • Tell him/her if you are planning to become pregnant or you are pregnant.
  • If you take any medicines, let your dentist know. Medications and supplements, as well as herbal products, come under this category. Medications that your doctor prescribes can treat specific health conditions. 
  • Inform your dentist if you are pregnant at high risk. An individual at high risk for problems during pregnancy is either you or your baby. High-risk pregnancy occurs if you have a chronic health condition, had complications with a prior pregnancy, or have any other condition that can harm your or the baby’s health. 

How can you prevent dental problems? 

Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy set of teeth and gums during your pregnancy:

  • It is important to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Floss regularly. Soft-bristled toothbrushes are best. Plaque can be removed, and teeth & gums can be kept healthy by brushing and flossing regularly.
  • For times when you can’t brush your teeth due to vomiting, use antacids or wash your mouth with baking soda and water mixed together. The acid in the mouth can be decreased by rinsing. 
  • Every six months, schedule a dental checkup with your dentist, even during pregnancy. 
  • Consume healthy foods and limit sweets. Among the healthy foods available are fruits and vegetables, lean meat, whole-grain bread & pasta, and low-fat dairy products. 
  • Don’t smoke.

Prenatal dental checkups are important to detect and treat dental issues early before and during pregnancy. Maintaining your teeth and gums with regular teeth cleanings is another way to keep them healthy.

Book your appointment now and get your dental issues resolved!

Dental care

What is Scaling and Root Planing?

Dental professionals (general dentists, dental hygienists, or periodontists) perform scaling and root planing as part of a tooth-cleaning procedure. The procedure gets rid of plaque and tartar below the gum line. The tartar and plaque under the gum line are removed during this cleaning. By doing so, harmful bacteria are prevented from growing. Additionally, it strengthens the bond between the gums and the teeth. Healthy gums and teeth can be restored with this treatment. This procedure can numb your mouth as it is more intricate than routine cleaning. It may take from one to four visits for the cleaning to be completed.

What are the signs that I need Root Planing and Scaling?

Periodontal evaluations and gum disease screenings may suggest it when it is shown that there has been gum infection and there’s a bone loss in the jaw. A computerized system measures the spaces between the teeth and gums and takes X-rays to detect the presence of periodontal disease. To diagnose gum disease, a thorough periodontal exam is necessary, but the following symptoms can point to its presence:

  • An unpleasant tasting mouth or smell in the mouth
  • Bleeding gums when you brush or floss
  • Inflammatory gums, redness, or tenderness
  • Receding gum lines
  • A loose feeling or shifting of the teeth
  • A pus-filled pocket between your teeth and gums
  • More than 3mm deep periodontal pockets

When Do You Need It to Maintain Better Oral Health?

Taking this appointment might take some time due to the careful attention to detail this process requires. If bacteria are not removed thoroughly by your dentist, the infection will return and begin to eat away at your gum tissue, bone, and tooth structure. Most people with healthy teeth and gums need a dental checkup and cleaning twice annually; however, if you suffer from severe periodontitis, your dentist may recommend scaling and root planing at least twice annually or more. It is up to your dentist to determine how frequently you should be seen for periodontal disease. Patients are commonly seen every 3-4 months. It is also important that you maintain good oral hygiene at home in addition to your deep cleanings so that you will minimize your risk of reinfections and let your smile look, feel, and function at its best between appointments.

After Care Tips

For a week or more following a deep cleaning, you may have teeth sensitivity and discomfort. You may also experience swelling, tenderness, and bleeding in your gums. Depending on your needs, your dentist may prescribe you a pill or mouthwash to help you heal or prevent infection. A dentist may also insert medication into the pocket during the cleaning procedure. In a subsequent visit, your dentist will measure and assess the healing of your gums and pocket depth. It may be necessary to treat them further if they have grown deeper.

The risk of periodontal disease increases with age. Researchers have discovered a correlation between periodontal inflammation and other systemic issues like heart disease and diabetes when left untreated. When you notice signs of gum disease, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Periodontal disease can have serious consequences when left untreated.

Book your appointment now and get your dental issues resolved!

Dental care

Are over the counter teeth whitening products safe to use?

Want to make sure that all the stains from your teeth are gone? Well, with so many over the counter products, it seems easier than ever to get the glistening pearly white teeth you’ve been looking for. It is not unknown that these over the counter products have gotten better with time and some of them have proved to be efficient too. 

Some teeth whitening products are also prescribed by your dentist and have proven to remove stains when applied correctly in the correct amount. All of these teeth whiteners have the active ingredients present in the washes and polishes used by the Dentist. Yet, ideally, these active ingredients are in lesser amounts in over the counter products. The active ingredients present are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, where the former is the stronger of the two ingredients. Yet to see how safe they are there are several precautions you will need to keep in mind. 

What are the common over-the-counter whitening products used widely?

  • Whitening strips – This is by far the most popular type of over the counter whitening product and is very convenient to use. They also help to lighten any kind of stains on the teeth to an extent.
  • Bleach trays – Although the trays can get really uncomfortable, many people prefer bleaching. One needs to maintain caution while using these to ensure that only the indicated amount of gel is on the tray.
  • Paint on liquids – If you want to do a spot treatment on your teeth due to stains appearing in the form of spots and not evenly distributed, paint on liquids can be used. You will need to apply it evenly and keep it for a longer time. 
  • Whitening toothpaste – These act like temporary cleaning agents where they don’t change the color of stains but only make the teeth seem cleaner temporarily.

Are over the counter whitening products safe? 

  1. Survey results – After conducting a thorough legal survey, it was found out that several DIY tooth whitening kits which people can avail of over the counter are not safe. These over the counter whitening products have been found to contain an excess and dangerous level of carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide more than 35%. These are highly dangerous levels and can cause severe oral damage like mouth infections, burns in the gums, blisters, damage to nerves and enamel, gum shrinking and the like. 
  2. If not done under supervision – Most over the counter whitening products look safe but can have consequences if not done under the supervision or prescription of a dentist. You will need to ensure that you follow all the instructions and exactly use the amount as asked by your doctor. 
  3. Long term dependency – As over the counter whitening products are easily available, people can overuse them and do so for a long period. This can compromise oral health to a great extent.
  4. Short life span – Usually, over the counter whitening products have a short shelf life and you need to be careful before purchasing any. If the expiry date is crossed, it can be really harmful.

The safest whitening polishes and gels are used by dentists. So if you want to ensure that the procedure is safe and actually efficient, then the best way to go about it is by visiting your doctor. So, schedule your appointment with a dentist and get your teeth whitened today!