Azle Dentist

Dental care

Do you have to brush before putting Invisalign back in?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is a solid and durable source of straightening teeth over time without using metal braces. After you eat or drink any food or beverages, the food particles can get stuck in your mouth. It is not easy to remove the particles without brushing your teeth. Therefore if you directly put back the Invisalign after having any meal or drink, it can damage the quality of your Invisalign. Moreover, wearing your aligners with food particles lodged between your teeth will increase the chances of tooth decay, cavity, and other dental issues. 

What foods to avoid if you wear Invisalign

In addition, you can avoid hard food, candy, raw fruits, seedy vegetables, sticky candy, caramel, etc. These foods can get stuck between your teeth, damaging Invisalign’s durability and your teeth. 

The proper way of wearing your Invisalign

After every meal or beverage, brushing your teeth after putting in your Invisalign aligners is essential to avoid discoloration, tooth decay, and other dental issues. However, If you do not have access to clean water, you can chew sugar-free gum to remove bacteria and other food particles from your teeth. Furthermore, as a last resort, you may leave your aligners out until you can not brush or floss your teeth properly. But in any case, you must not put Invisalign back in without cleaning your teeth properly. After brushing your teeth, rinse the Invisalign with lukewarm or normal water and safely put the Invisalign back in. Hence, brushing or flossing your teeth properly before placing your Invisalign will save your teeth from various dental issues. 

Lastly, if you are still facing any problems with your Invisalign, it is best to consult your dentist for a quick and easy solution.

Dental care

Can I Drink Water With Invisalign?

Invisalign clear braces are an excellent alternative to metal braces as they hardly show that a person is wearing braces. This orthodontic treatment subtly brings your teeth in alignment, and you can remove them as and when you feel like it. Yet, for the aligners to be effective in straightening your teeth, you must wear them at least 20 to 22 hours a day. That could make many people wonder if it affects their daily lives. In this article, we will see what you can drink and what to avoid during the time your Invisalign braces are on your teeth.

What are Invisalign Braces Made of?

Invisalign is made with medical-grade polyurethane material. The aligners are crafted from flexible and transparent plastic material, which provides comfort and convenience to the patients. Apart from comfort, the aligners are practically invisible so that your social and office life is not disturbed by wearing them. These aligners snugly fit over your teeth and apply gentle pressure to bring them to their desired positions. Each set of Invisalign aligners is fabricated by using high-precision 3D printing technology.

What Kind of Drink Can You Have With Invisalign Over Your Teeth?

The way Invisalign is made affect what you can eat or drink while wearing it.

  • Water is the only safe drink to consume while you are wearing Invisalign. Cold or room-temperature water is recommended as it is beneficial for your dental health. Water can dislodge food particles stuck within your aligners and remove built-up sugar beneath your Invisalign. There is fluoride in tap water which is also known to reduce the probability of cavities by 25%.
  • It is not a good idea to drink any other type of drink like tea, coffee, colas, wine with the retainers on. These drinks can warp the plastic of your aligner and also cause stains. Juices have a high amount of sugar, so you should avoid them too, as the sugar in them can get trapped inside your Invisalign.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What are the worst colors for braces?

Extremely dark hues, such as black and brown, are the worst colors for braces that should be avoided by all braces wearers since they might stain or discolor your teeth. White and yellow rubber bands, along with clear rubber bands, pick up colors from dark beverages such as coffee, tea, and red wine.

How Often Can I Change the Colors of My Braces?

You can choose fresh colors at each session because your orthodontist will adjust the wires. You could get new colors every four to eight weeks, depending on how frequently you visit the orthodontist. That implies you won’t have to put up with color if it doesn’t suit you.

What to Think About When Choosing Braces Colors

Choosing the color of your braces may not be as simple as it appears, especially with so many options. Even if it’s only a temporary color, there are a few things to consider before deciding on the best braces colors for you!

  • Consider your diet. Drinking a lot of coffee or eating berries will discolor your band’s color.
  • Consider the color of your teeth (they aren’t likely to be completely white). Certain colors might make your teeth appear discolored. Darker colors will make your teeth appear whiter.
  • When it comes to braces, your appearance is just as important as what you wear. If you don’t like the way you appear in a particular hue, you might not want it on your teeth.

How Do You Pick the Right Color Braces?

At each orthodontic appointment, you have ample options for selecting the right braces color for you. Your braces, like everything else you wear, can say a lot about you.If you’re having problems deciding on a color for your braces, keep in mind the recommendations we provided above and speak to your orthodontist.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What is the side effect of braces?

Braces are one of the most prevalent dental treatments. They’re designed to fix teeth that aren’t in the right place, bite problems, or prosthetic concerns. Although fixed braces have proven to be a viable choice for tooth misalignment, individuals with fixed braces are familiar with difficulties such as tooth pain and discomfort. Furthermore, there are other complications and adverse effects that are associated with them that, while less common, can have a significant impact on your dental health.

The most common side effects of braces are listed here:

  • Minor Discomfort: Braces may cause little discomfort if you are not used to wearing them. As a result, it may be difficult to adjust for a few weeks.
  • Difficulty Consuming Food: While wearing braces, you can find it difficult to eat. Because our teeth won’t be able to move as easily as they would without braces, it is one of the most common adverse effects of braces on teeth.
  • Difficulty in Speaking: Since your teeth are not permitted to move freely due to the tight iron wires and brackets, you may not be able to talk properly while wearing braces. As a result, most people may lisp when wearing braces.
  • Jaw Ache: When it comes to the negative consequences of braces on the face, jaw discomfort is always at the top of the list. Tight braces can cause tooth pain, which can spread to the jaw, especially if jaw therapy was done before the braces were installed.
  • Sores in the Mouth: In the early weeks of wearing braces, there is a considerable risk of developing mouth sores as a result of the constant discomfort.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some people are allergic to latex rubber, which is widely used in braces and metallic wire.

Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible if you seek more advice and guidance.