Azle Dentist

Dental care

What causes the most damage to teeth?

Cavities are permanent holes or openings in your teeth that develop over time on their hard surface. Several factors can lead to cavities, also known as tooth decay or caries, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, drinking sugary drinks, and not properly cleaning your teeth. Without treatment, cavities grow larger and affect the deeper layers of your teeth. As a result, it is possible to develop a severe toothache, an infection, and possibly lose a tooth. To prevent cavities and tooth decay, you should schedule regular dental appointments and practice good oral hygiene habits.

  • Sugar Causes Teeth To Decay

MYTH: Sugar may not be good for your health, but it is not the primary cause of tooth decay. The consumption of other carbohydrates, such as fruits, grains, and vegetables, may also contribute to plaque formation; however, these foods also provide various health benefits. If sugar is consumed in moderation and brushed regularly, it should not cause severe oral hygiene problems. In most cases, tooth decay is caused by acids produced by natural bacteria.

  • Teeth Are Stained By Coffee And Soda

FACT: Coffee and dark-colored sodas can stain your teeth. A tooth is composed of several tiny pits that store food and drink particles, resulting in staining. After each meal, rinse your mouth with water and use a whitening toothpaste to prevent staining. An effective way of removing these stains is by having your teeth professionally whitened by an experienced dentist.

  • Cold Temperatures, Such As Chewing Ice Cubes, Will Cause Your Teeth To Crack

MYTH: There is no risk of your teeth being cracked by small temperature changes; however, extreme temperatures may cause your teeth to crack. Eventually, cracks will appear. Due to aging, some adult teeth have a few small cracks. However, restorative dentistry will keep your teeth strong even after they have been broken.

  • Sugar And Acid Are Washed Away By Water

FACT: Fluoride is a mineral found in toothpaste and some mouthwashes, similar to what is found in our own saliva. It is important to remember that fluoride protects against tooth erosion, so drinking water after or while eating can assist in keeping your teeth clean.

  • You Should Avoid Chewing Gum

MYTH: In general, it depends on the gum. It is advisable to avoid sugar, as it neutralizes the acid produced by plaque bacteria. As a result of chewing, 10x more saliva is produced, which is responsible for washing away food particles. Gum-containing xylitol will make bacteria less sticky, reducing the likelihood of cavities developing.

  • Fruit Berries Of All Types Stain Your Teeth

FACT: The antioxidants in berries are beneficial, but they also contain chromogens, which are active stain-causing agents. The most important thing to remember is that whatever stains your clothing will most likely stain your teeth as well.

  • The Effect Of Smokeless Tobacco Is Not The Same As That Of Cigarettes Or Cigars

MYTH: Tobacco products, whether they are smokeless or chewing tobacco, are still tobacco products. These side effects will affect your entire mouth: discoloration of teeth, increased risk of cavities, oral cancer, gum disease, erosion, decay…the list is endless. Don’t use tobacco; that’s the bottom line.

  • Enamel Is Strengthened By Dairy Products

FACT: Due to their high calcium content, dairy products contribute to the strength of our teeth and bones. Additionally, casein, a protein found in cheese, helps preserve and repair enamel.

  • You Should Avoid Candy At All Costs

MYTH: Candy is certainly bad for your teeth, but snack foods, such as chips and crackers, are far more damaging. Due to their high sugar content, they are difficult for saliva and water to remove from your teeth. It is wise to consume candy and snack foods in moderation to prevent tooth decay. With the assistance of a good dentist, you can ensure the oral health of your children.

  • Crispy Fruits And Veggies Can Scrub Your Teeth

FACT: Healthy foods, such as carrots and apples, are crisp and crunchy, which helps to freshen breath and remove plaque from the teeth. Moreover, these foods are already excellent for your health in general.

Taking preventative action is the best way to ensure that your pearly whites remain sparkling. Hence, to keep your mouth healthy, it is essential to know which foods and substances to avoid.

Dental care

How Does Smoking Affect Oral Health?

Since the dental cavity is the first part of the body exposed to cigarette smoke, smoking is associated with a number of teeth-related medical conditions. There is no doubt that cigarettes adversely affect teeth and other parts of the mouth.

It has been established that smoking is linked to dental problems in various studies. There are negative effects that can be caused by cigarettes on all parts of the body. As a result of tobacco use, our mouths are particularly susceptible to various dental risks. 

Due to the visible negative effects of cigarette use, smokers’ teeth are usually immediately recognizable.  Besides causing teeth to stain, what other threats does nicotine pose to oral health?

Well, things like gum issues, inflammation, bleeding, and mouth cancer alone can be sufficient to illustrate the dangerous and crucial effects of smoking on your teeth’s overall condition. Cigarettes have a significant effect on compromising your oral health, and cleanliness ultimately contributes to bad breath.

So, to know more about the same and how you can save your teeth from getting into the worst condition, keep on reading.

Oral health issues caused by smoking

Those who smoke are more likely to suffer from gum disease, infections, etc., and the most common dental care issues that smokers suffer from are: 

  • Periodontal gum disease: Smoking contributes significantly to periodontal gum disease, which is an infection that ruins the bone surrounding and supporting your teeth. People also find it hard to chew food with this disease. 
  • Smoker’s keratosis: Smoker’s keratosis is also known as Nicotinic Stomatitis. The roof of the mouth is affected by this lesion. Tobacco products cause Nicotinic Stomatitis because of their concentrated heat stream. This dental disease can be seen in most smokers. It is not easily noticeable, so it stays undetected most of the time. 
  • Swollen and red gums: Smokers can also suffer from swollen and red gums, which can also bleed while brushing, and it is painful in most cases. If you smoke regularly, then you might have to struggle with swollen and bleeding gums. 
  • Stained teeth: Another oral care problem that comes with too much nicotine intake is stains or discoloration in teeth. Heavy smokers often complain their teeth turn yellow very quickly or almost brown after years of nicotine consumption.
  • Sensitive teeth: Sensitive teeth is another dental health issue that smokers often struggle with. Having heavy puffs of cigarettes every day can make your teeth sensitive to too hot or too cold food. 
  • Tooth loss: Tooth loss is one of the many severe effects of heavy smoking. Often, smokers’ overall fitness is affected by gum disease and tooth loss. It happens because cigarette smoke leads to gums being pulled from the teeth, which can lead to tooth loss. 

These were some of the common dental care diseases that can affect a regular smoker. If you smoke heavily and notice any of the above-mentioned oral issues, it is best to take medical attention as soon as possible. 

Some prevention tips to keep your teeth healthy

Firstly the most common suggestion is to control or leave smoking. Apart from oral issues, there are many other harmful bodily diseases that are caused by regular nicotine consumption, so it is best to not smoke.

Apart from that, here are a few things that you can do to keep your dental care routine on track: 

  • It is important to brush your teeth twice daily.
  • It is important to floss frequently in order to prevent plaque from forming.
  • Use mouthwash regularly.
  • Try anti-nicotine treatments after consulting your doctor.
  • Check your teeth regularly and have them professionally cleaned by a dentist.
  • Stay away from smoking.

Lastly, we hope this article has helped you get a better idea about the oral care issues that can be caused by nicotine and tobacco and how you can prevent them from happening. 

Dental care

How To Maintain Good Oral Hygiene In Your Family?

It is common for the most frequently used organs of the body to deteriorate rapidly. We take care of all our other organs, but we often forget to focus on our oral health. Most people are unaware of the vital role teeth play in the digestion of food. Furthermore, teeth are critical for clear, distinct speech, in addition to chewing food.

Maintaining good oral hygiene requires cleanliness. The importance of brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis is essential for good dental health. Not only for yourself but for your family also, everyone should pay great attention to their brushing routine to maintain good dental health.

An attractive and bright smile is not the only sign of healthy teeth and gums. A person’s dental health often reflects their overall health. A dentist can provide the necessary guidance to prevent specific dental ailments when maintaining proper dental hygiene at home, which can be very beneficial for you and your family. 

Apart from brushing your teeth daily, many other habits/tips and tricks can help prevent various oral care diseases in your family. Though dental issues are not hereditary in most cases, maintaining good dental hygiene in the family is necessary. Keep on reading to know more about this.

How does a family dentist help in keeping dental care issues in check?

Before jumping on to how to maintain good dental health among the members at home, let us first see why it is important to have a family dentist. A family dentist provides a wide range of assistance. Teenagers might need dental retainers, while the elderly might require dentures.

One of the biggest benefits of visiting a family dentistry clinic is that you won’t have to travel between dental offices. With a family dentist, better and special interactions can be established due to the long association. 

It is easier for your dentist to become familiar with your medical history the longer you visit him. The pain and agony associated with dentist visits generally frighten even the younger members. Therefore, you must have a family dentist to ensure your dental health stays on track.  

Tips for maintaining good oral hygiene in the family!

Here are some tips that will help people maintain good dental health among their family members: 

  • Teach kids to floss from an early age: By teaching your kids good oral hygiene habits early on, you can help them maintain good dental health. Make sure they know how important it is to maintain a healthy mouth and floss their teeth apart from brushing.  Even as they grow older, this will help them develop good gum care habits.
  • Take a proper diet: Maintain good dental health by providing your family with healthy foods. Diet plays a vital role in dental health as well. Everyone is on the way to a better smile when they reduce sugar and opt for healthier food on the table. Don’t drink alcohol or eat sugary foods.
  • Visit your dentist at regular intervals: Make dental appointments a family activity. It can be a single trip if everyone has the same dentist. Keep everyone’s dental health in good shape by scheduling appointments at least twice a year.
  • Clean your tongue: You should brush your tongue every day just as you brush your teeth. This little friend also draws bacteria to your mouth, so it is vital to clean it. Make sure everyone in your family brushes their tongues.

These are some of the tips which you can give to all the members at your home and make sure they follow them and keep their dental health in check. 

Dental care

What Are The Five Most Common Dental Problems?

Let’s face it, most of us would love to have healthy, hygienic, and white-washed teeth, which helps a lot with our self-confidence and oral cleanliness, won’t we? But just as much as we love it, there will almost always be a point in our lives when we will experience at least one of the many common dental problems. Let’s go through the five most common dental problems, along with their treatments : 

Tooth Sensitivity – Once the top layer of your tooth (the enamel) begins to wear off, the tooth becomes more sensitive when exposed to the air, and other food items as the enamel serves as protection all this time. This sensitivity can be felt when your teeth come in contact with ice creams, sugary food items, hot liquid items, cold air, or other foods that need to be bitten down to be chewed and swallowed.

Dehydrated or Dry Mouth – This may sound weird, but it is actually one of the most common dental problems which aren’t really taken seriously by people due to the lack of awareness. In truth, the problems of having a dry mouth do run deeper than you think. This is usually a lack of saliva when chewing, talking, and sleeping, and it is imperative to sort it out as soon as possible, or else it can soon be a nuisance.

Bad Breath – One of the most common dental problems is bad, stinky breath, and the worst breath is caused due to the lack or absence of proper oral hygiene, any form of mouth or throat cancer, or even the excess consumption of food items such as onions and garlic. Having a dry mouth and acid reflux can also result in bad breath.

Tooth Decay – This is when bacteria creates a toxic layer on your teeth, and this toxic layer slowly eats away at the enamel which covers your teeth, which worsens when it comes into contact with hot, cold, or sugary stuff. An acid is then created, which ruins the condition of the tooth by forming small black holes and damages the nerve of the tooth, which makes the tooth become very sensitive.

Gum Disease – Also called Gingivitis, this is also a frequent problem that affects one’s gums. It is a bacterial disease that results in sensitive gums, causing them to look red, swollen, and even bleed. Likewise, bad breath and sensitive teeth can also mean that one has gum disease.

What are the treatments for the five most common dental problems?

Now that you’ve seen the common dental problems, let’s see how to tackle them: 

  • For tooth sensitivity, one must brush their teeth firmly with toothpaste that contain fluoride as it helps to cleanse the teeth and strengthen them, and also to use toothbrushes that have soft bristles so that it goes easy on the teeth and doesn’t trigger any sensitive responses.
  • For people with dehydrated or dry mouths, the best course of action is to drink water and hydrate oneself regularly, and that alone will do wonders. Avoid anything which triggers dry mouths, such as caffeine, chewing gums, alcohol, and sugar.
  • The ones with bad breath must brush their teeth at least twice a day to get rid of the bacteria that cause the odor to arise. Various types of mouthwash that contain cleansing ingredients are also available and are useful to eliminate any last traces that cause your stinky breath.
  • Treatments for tooth decay vary as the dental care for your tooth is based on how much damage your tooth has undergone. You can prevent it by brushing and flossing twice a day. If needed, one can get a proper diagnosis from a dentist and see if they need any form of tooth filling, dental crowns, or tooth extractions.
  • Gum diseases can be cured by both surgical and nonsurgical measures. Most gum diseases are treated by applying a paste on your gums which reduces inflammation, bleeding, and sensitivity.

If any of you encounter these problems, the best decision is to get the advice of a professional dentist.