Azle Dentist

Dental care

Can Root Canal Affect the Brain?

A root canal is a treatment through which a dentist reaches the pump beneath a tooth that is infected, causing pain and irritation. Root canal therapy entails cleaning the infected pulp by pulling it out and re-filling the space with dental fillings. 

Every year, 15 million people in the United States go through this procedure. A few of the expected benefits of opting for a root canal are:

  • Efficient chewing
  • Normal biting force
  • Normal sensation in the teeth
  • Protection of teeth from excessive wear and tear.

Despite their many merits and widespread prevalence, root canals are linked to damage to the brain. Let us see if this analogy is valid or just a myth.

Does Root Canal Cause Brain Damage?
People browsing the web about root canal therapies often bump into articles and sites that claim a positive correlation between root canals and brain cancer. Mostly, they quote a statistic that 97 percent of all brain cancer patients have undergone root canal procedures. But, this correlation is a myth, and the scientific community debunked it a long time ago. 

The study that asserts 97 percent of brain cancer patients have undergone a root canal is almost a century old and holds no real value or accuracy in today’s times. 

In reality, root canals have no direct impact on brain damage. They are highly effective and the least intrusive ways to treat severe oral infections. 

But, it is noteworthy to mention that after the root canal treatment is done, the dead organ: the tooth remains inside the body. So, complications may arise in the form of re-infections. Therefore, if pain, discomfort, or swelling persists for prolonged periods after root canal therapy, then you might need retreatment. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Are You Awake During a Root Canal?

The idea of a root canal might be scary for many people. The dreaded root canal process is performed on a badly decayed tooth to take out the damaged pulp formed inside the tooth. 

This tooth pulp comprises blood vessels and nerves, which are the living parts of a tooth, and when this pulp begins to rot, a person can feel immense pain and discomfort, which can be relieved by going inside the tooth, removing the pulp, and then sealing the tooth.

Do I Really Need a Root Canal?
If you feel any of the following symptoms that are indicators of a rotten pulp then you might need a root canal done:

  • A severe toothache that worsens while chewing food 
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • The tooth pain gets worsened when it comes in contact with cold or hot temperature
  • Gum swelling

A regular check-up with your dentist (twice a year) will ensure that any issues with your teeth are attended to in time. 

Will I be Sedated For a Root Canal
The root canal is an intricate procedure and how a patient is treated depends on the severity of the damage to the tooth. In most cases, patients are given local anesthesia but there can be situations where sedation might be required. Here are the two options applicable to a root canal procedure:

  • The dentist would apply local anesthesia around the affected area, which will numb that portion. Since the endodontist will remove nerves fibers and pulp from the tooth, local anesthesia is a mandatory step. You will be fully awake during the root canal process but your mouth, including your lip, would feel numb for several hours after the procedure is over. 
  • If you have a dental phobia or dental anxiety then you might require some level of sedation. The sedation ranges from very mild (it will just take off your jitters) to deep sedation, where you are awake but barely conscious. This sedation can be induced in different ways, like inhalation, intravenously, or orally. 
  • General anesthesia, which will put you to sleep entirely, is rarely used in root canal procedures.

For your badly infected tooth, a root canal is the suggested treatment. The decision of doing the root canal in a sedated state depends on the patient as well as the severity of tooth damage. General anesthesia is not used commonly for a root canal but might be needed if a lot of work is required for the patient or the patient has special needs.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Do gums grow around implants?

The gums can grow around the dental implant appointment to the time of your permanent  restoration process. During the entire process, the dentist monitors the gum growth. As you heal, the  gums around the dental implant provide support, but they ensure the gums do not grow over the  implant.  

Under an ideal situation, a temporary crown or healing abutment gets placed on the top of the  implant to maximize implant aesthetics. The healing and recovery stage takes months, and your  dental provider will regularly monitor the gum’s response to the implants to achieve the desired  results. 

The healing process of a dental implant involves osseointegration and fuse to the jaw bone to check  the size, shape, and if needed, adjust the emergence profile to the desired contour. The patient wears  the temporary implant crown for at least 1-3 months. 

Once the mouth gets healed, the dentist is satisfied with the gum contouring around the temporary  implant crown. The permanent restoration is delivered, can enjoy the function and look of the smile.  Note that the gums around the implant must look natural, or else, how perfect the implant does not  look natural and aesthetic. 

Is it possible for gums to recede after implant placement? 
As dental implants improve the quality of life by replacing missing and damaged teeth, you must not be going through gum diseases or weak jaw bone that cannot handle the metal screw to hold new teeth in place. 

However, some people experience receding gums around teeth after the placement. That is not an ideal situation when the implant placement is proper. The dental provider makes sure the patient is healthy in terms of the adequate jawbone, gum tissue strength to move forward with the treatment.  The latest technology like CAT scans, implant guides, and virtual modeling software gives the success rate of dental implants.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What percentage of dental implants fail?

A dental implant is a prosthetic or synthetic appliance that acts as a replacement for a natural tooth. It entails a metal post attached to the jawbone to support an artificial crown. Indeed, dental implants are a marvel of modern dentistry as they have helped millions of people smile, speak, and eat better. The success rates of dental implants are incredibly high, but like everything else in this world, they are not devoid of failures. Studies reveal that the failure rate of dental implants is about 5 to 10 percent either shortly after the procedure or after a year or so. Now that we have talked about the failure percentage of dental implants let us look at some of the factors that impact that failure.

Factors that Impact Dental Implant Success

  • Periodontal Diseases: Healthy gums are an indispensable criterion when it comes to a successful dental implant procedure. As such, gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis can fail dental implants.
  • Smoking and Drinking: Research shows that smoking can cause the failure of dental implants as the habit restricts the flow of blood to the gums, thereby slowing the healing process. The proportion of dental implant failure shoots up to 20 percent among chain smokers. The success rates of dental implants increase when people quit smoking for at least two months after the procedure.
  • Insufficient Jaw Bone: One of the most common causes of dental implant failure is the inadequate jawbone. Without enough healthy bones, the surgeon cannot fix the implant in the mouth.
  • Poor Oral Hygiene: Needless to say, dental implants require as much care as natural teeth. The absence of a proper oral hygiene regimen can cause dental implants to fail.

In conclusion, the failure of dental implants is a rare phenomenon. But, you can avoid it through proper treatment and care. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

How long do teeth implants last?

A dental implant is a man-made appliance or structure that acts as a replacement for a missing tooth. The implant is placed into or onto the jawbone and serves as a synthetic or manufactured tooth root. After that, a prosthetic tooth is attached on top of the implant. Dental implants have helped thousands of people eat, speak, and smile better and lead reasonably normal lives. But, a typical myth that surrounds dental implants is that they are permanent solutions that last a lifetime. But, that is far from the truth. Dental implants also come with an expiry date, which may not be very conspicuous and on-the-face. Thus, let us try and answer how long dental implants last.

Life-span of Dental Implants: An Overview 
It is undisputed that dental implants serve as a boon for many people, irrespective of their age. With innovative techniques such as the 4 in 1 dental implant, the availability of premium-quality implant materials like resin, and so on, the success rate of dental implants has inflated in the past ten years.

It is noteworthy to illustrate that it is the actual implant component of a dental implant that fuses to the patient’s jawbone, which is made to last for a lifetime. The crown which sits atop the implant has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, provided that it is well-maintained. Now, let us observe a few factors that may hasten the deterioration of dental implants.

  • Dental implants require care that is similar to the human’s natural teeth. An improper dental hygiene routine can cause the dental implant to stain, loosen, and crack before the 10-15 year mark.
  • Pre-existing health complications such as cancer or diabetes can cause dental implants to lose their utility faster.
  • Lastly, lifestyle habits like chain-smoking and alcohol abuse reduce the lifespan of dental implants.

In conclusion, we can conclude that with proper maintenance, the crown of a dental implant can last between 10 to 15 years.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!