Azle Dentist


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How to Choose Toothpaste

An immense variety of oral care products have bombarded the shelves of supermarkets in recent times. From brushes to mouthwashes to toothpaste tubes, eye-catching and trendy packages are stacked in stores for us to buy. But do you face specific dilemmas and confusion while purchasing toothpaste? If the answer is yes, worry not. We have curated a list of tips and tricks that will help you select the appropriate toothpaste compatible with your teeth and gums.

Top 5 Tips for purchasing the right toothpaste

Tubes of toothpaste available in the market make gigantic claims. Some claim to whiten teeth; some claim to deal with dental problems like gingivitis, plaque, and so forth. The abundance of choices can make a decision-making touch. But, easy tricks will enable you to make quick and suitable choices on what the right toothpaste tube is for you.

  1. For best all-around protection, make sure that your toothpaste has at least 1000 parts per million fluorides. The American Dental Association recommends this delicate balance. Toothpaste must touch this fluoride concentration to tackle bacteria accumulation and strengthen enamel.
  2. If whitening is your primary goal, look for toothpaste containing activated charcoal, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide. Whitening toothpaste, indeed, works, and you will be able to see visible results in a short period. The grittiness of whitening toothpaste tubes helps in removing extrinsic teeth stains. Hydrogen peroxide – a type of bleach – if incorporated as a toothpaste ingredient, can give your teeth a luminous glow within a few weeks. But, it is imperative to remember that you should not use whitening toothpaste for extensive amounts of time as it can gradually wear down the enamel and lead to sensitivity.
  3. If you have a sensitive mouth, and you frequently suffer from mouth ulcers, cheilitis, and canker, make sure to scour through the labels of toothpaste tubes and avoid those with SLS. 
  4. A massive chunk of the population suffers from tooth sensitivity. In such a context, it is advisable to buy toothpaste with potassium nitrate to help ease the pain. It is critical to remember that if you have extremely sensitive teeth, avoiding hot and cold foods like tea or ice cream is helpful. 
  5. A negligent oral care regimen can lead to bacteria accumulation, resulting in plaque. When plaque hardens, it forms tartar. It would help if you immediately visited the dentists when you see tartar. Nonetheless, tartar controlling toothpaste can also help you in dealing with the problem. Look for ingredients such as pyrophosphates and zinc nitrates.

Toothpaste can help in tackling specific dental issues. But, if you are looking for a standard toothpaste tube that keeps your teeth and gums healthy, choose one with an ADA-approved seal. Toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association has the optimal fluoride concentration, and the Relative Dentin Abrasivity is at the appropriate level. In addition to using the right toothbrush, it is essential to floss regularly and rinse the mouth with a good mouthwash in the end.

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