Azle Dentist


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Ways to Stop Fearing the Dentist

If you get anxious simply thinking about going to the dentist, you’re not alone. Maybe you’re terrified the visit could hurt or you haven’t been in some time and are not certain what the dentist will find. 

Anything that is your reason, the right dental team will ensure your dental and your emotional health are taken care of.

The more you delay or simply don’t go to the dentist, the higher your gamble of developing dental problems that will make gearing up for future dental visits more troublesome. Indeed,  seeing your dentist regularly can make the entire process from making an appointment to sailing through it much easier on many levels. 

You can use these strategies at your next appointment to help ease your anxiety and strengthen your smile. 

  1. Speak up 

Anyone with anxiety realizes talking about your feelings makes a world of difference. If you’re tense or restless, help yourself out and move your interests out into the open. Your dentist and dental team are better ready to treat you on the off chance that they know your needs. 

  • Make sure you inform your dentist about your anxiety. At the point when you book your appointment, make sure you inform the receptionist you’re anxious with regards to dental visits. Remind the dentist and dental staff about your nervousness when you show up. You can share any bad experiences you may have had in the past, and ask for suggestions on coping strategies. 
  • Never shy away from asking questions. Once in a while realizing what will happen alleviates any fears of the unknown. 
  • Make sure you agree on a signal. Tell your dentist to know by lifting your hand on the off chance that you really want to enjoy some time off during an exam. 
  • If you experience pain even with a local anesthetic, inform your dentist. Some patients get embarrassed about their pain tolerance or don’t want to interrupt a dentist during a procedure, so it is better to talk with your dentist about pain before it begins so your dentist knows how to speak with you and make it more comfortable. 
  1. Distract yourself 

Taking your mind off the exam may seem impossible when you’re anxious, but some things can help distract your thoughts. 

  • Make sure to wear headphones. In the event that the drill irritates you, bring earphones so you can pay attention to your beloved music.
  • Possess your hands by squeezing a stress ball or playing with a small handheld object, like a fidget spinner. This will keep your anxiety in check.
  • Envision your blissful place and picture yourself relaxing up there.
  1. Use mindfulness techniques 

Relaxation begins in the mind. Try deep breathing exercises to assist with loosening up pressure in your muscles.

  • Count your breaths. Breathe in and out for a similar number of counts. Do this multiple times while you’re hanging tight for your appointment, or during breaks while you’re sitting in the dental chair. 
  • Do a body scan. Focus on loosening up your muscles, each body part at a time. Begin with your head and work your way down to your toes. For instance, you can focus on releasing tension starting in your forehead, then your cheeks, your neck, and down the rest of your body.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!